2025 Barron’s Top 1200 Financial Advisors

On March 7, 2025, Stack Financial Management (SFM) was ranked #1 in the state of Montana in the Barron’s 2025 list of the “Top 1200 Financial Advisors by State.”  This year’s list highlights how team configurations support and expand an advisor’s capability to better serve clients.  While industry trends have only recently shifted toward a team concept, Stack Financial Management has always operated with this approach.  Our clients do not just hire an individual, but the skill and know-how of our entire firm.

 This year’s rankings of the Top 1200 Financial Advisors had more than 7,600 applicants, up 16% from last year.  The formula Barron’s uses to rank advisors is proprietary and has three major categories of calculations: assets under management, revenue, and quality of practice. The qualitative factors cover a wide range, including the advisors’ experience, their advanced degrees and industry designations, the size, shape, and diversity of their teams, their charitable and philanthropic work, and their compliance records. 

For more information about Barron’s “Top 1200 Financial Advisors by State” methodology, visit: